Monday, September 30, 2019

10 Effects of Smoking in Health

10 Effects of Smoking in Health Are you aware about effects of smoking habit? Scientific studies reveal that smoking causes short-term as well as long-term effects on health. American Lung Association says smoking affects around 9 million people in U. S alone, and it causes the death of approximately 450,000 individuals per year. Cancer is a common serious threat of smoking. It also causes several aesthetic problems, cardiovascular problems, respiratory problems and reproductive health problems. This article discusses about various negative effects of smoking. 1.Respiratory Health Effects – Tobacco contains several toxic substances that damage our lungs and other respiratory organ while inhaling. It seriously affects larynx and trachea which in turn result in the permanent killing of lungs. Long-term smoking causes harsh side effects like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. 2. Cardiovascular Health Effects – Smoking caus es the narrowing of blood vessels and arteries by depositing several toxic substances. This affects their normal functioning, and causes high blood pressure.Prolonged smoking gradually leads to nerve problems& blood clots, which may result in heart attacks or strokes. 3. Vision Health Effects – Smoking causes vision problems like macular degeneration and cataracts. Researches show that long-term smoking causes incurable vision problems that may even result in blindness. 4. Reproductive Health Effects – Smoking causes less production of estrogen  hormone that is linked to infertility in women. Premature birth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), under weight problems, and early menopause are common reproductive effects in women. Long-term smoking causes impotency in men. 5.Skin Health Effects – Premature aging, yellowish skin and wrinkles are commonly found side effects of smoking. Skin damage is directly linked to smoking since it restricts the adequate blood flow in skin. Majority of addicted smokers lose their appetite and reduce the intake of food. Inadequate nutrition and food habits result in serious health effects on skin. 6. Psychological Effects – smoking has addictive side effects since it contains Nicotine. Majority of smokers believe that smoking makes them feel relief. However, truth is that smoking causes several addictive problems, which may result in depression and anxiety. 7.Digestion Problems – Smoking causes heartburn problems, liver damage, reduced appetite, crohn's disease and ulcers. Long-term smoking results in the damage of esophagus, and that causes acid reflux & heart-burn problems. Crohn's disease is a severe intestine disease that causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. 8. Respiratory Alignments – Health and Human Services of U. S reveals that smokers are more prone to respiratory alignments like flu, pneumonia, cold, bronchitis, etc. They also take longer recovery time compared to normal pe rsons. 9. Athletic Performance Issues – Smoking affects the physical fitness of an individual.Long-term smokers are more prone to injuries and accidents. Smokers have reduced capacity to generate sufficient muscle cell & collagen to generate muscles. 10. Other Effects – Smoking causes awful body odor and bad breath as well. Since smokers have reduced smell sense, they may not consider it as an issue. There are about 5 million people in the world die in each year from the effects of smoking. Smoking is an unnecessary health hazard that causes serious effects. Quitting this habit is not easy. However, when you quit smoking you not only save your health but also our environment!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Weber’s social psychology and tonnies gemeinschaft

Weber was one of the first modern thinkers who attempted to evolve a rational perspective in understanding social phenomenon. He perpetually fostered the theory of objectivity in all human action. Thus he often states that in all sciences where human action is involved it is essential that those occurrences which are without subjective meaning should be given priority. (Weber, 1994). He frequently contended that without the basic form of a thing, its physical quantity, it had literally no meaning. He emphasized that from birth to mortality it is facts that dictated human action. Weber went to the extent of indicating that even those facts which were psycho physical or social including reactions of individuals should be understood by taking into account the data within. Thus while Weber disavowed the use of psychological methods in society, there is an implicit social psychology in Weber’s work.   This is evident through an in depth analysis of his works which indicate many hints of social psychology implicit in the subjective understanding of phenomenon, in the functioning of public bodies and the concept of charisma. The first indication of the same is his distinguishing understanding of observable and non observable phenomenon. While understanding of observable phenomenon is easier, he indicates that there is another type of recognition that is explanatory in nature. This comprises of actions and emotions that are displayed by individuals in society over incidents which cause rage, joy, jealousy, pride and so on, in which the motives are not rationally explainable and for which a subjective meaning for the action may have to be sought as an intended meaning. Thus for correct interpretation of an event or a fact he denotes that it is essential to understand the covert motive behind that act or event and link one to the other. The motive is the subjective part of the meaning which can be found not just in the factual display but would be in the psycho social content of the message that each is attempting to convey. The social psychological context of Weber’s views is further crystallized when he explains the functioning of public bodies. These need to be treated as individuals when they are performing normal cognitive purposes such as juristic and should have the same rights and duties. In subjective interpretation these are considered as sociological formations, the resultants of collectivities arising from constructs from other disciplines. (Weber, 2005). Thus these organizations become the epitome of social action of individual persons in collectivity and the psychological influence cannot be undermined in their actions. The final interpretation of the impact of psychology on sociology in the works of Weber is found in his concept of charisma, which he states as psychic contagion and creates a number of social processes which are understood only in terms of subjectivities in small fragments of transfer from biological interpretation. This is a minor concession that Weber attempts to make towards accepting non scientific phenomenon as a basis for understanding human social behavior. Toennies considered that change is an intrinsic part of human nature. Change comes from the two facets of human nature one that is dialectical and the other that is contradictory. Thus human evolution as per Toennies has passed through various stages of individualistic and communal feelings which are shared with others. Individualistic strain is stronger in trade and politics and is the lowest in science. These are the concepts of evolution aptly summarized in two German words of gemeinschaft and gesellschaft.   (Toennies, 1954). Toennies society evolved from a social context in which human beings were enemies of each other and extensive law was essential to preserve order. Gradually communal life gained primacy and order overcome anarchy. However Tonnies indicates that this order in turn led more people to come together with the aim of gaining prosperity which is again as per him a sign of the class struggle which destroys society that is being transformed. Thus the cycle seems to continue interminably. The essence of Tonnies process of evolution of Western civilization lay in the two phases of being communal to being associative. The Gemeinschaft or communal in German was characterized by geographically isolated communes where all members virtually appeared to of the same stock, lived by tradition and maintained consanguine ties within the families. Labor was cast on pre industrial mode without any division and there was greater emphasis on primary relationships based on the importance of status and a respect for sacredness. This phase lasted till the entry into the industrial age when from small commune’s mass heterogeneous groupings of people emerged. This was the associative or Gesellschaft mode of social living.  Ã‚   There was greater geographic mobility as more and more people mixed with each other, tradition declined and heterogeneous relationships developed. Conjugal ties were greatly emphasized during this period and there was a division of labor. Status was not bestowed on people due to birth but due to their own achievements. There was greater dependence on secondary relationships and building a secular society. These two stages in which human societies evolved are indicative of the industrial and the post industrial World. Toennies theme was further elaborated by Emile Durkheim who indicated how forms of Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft emerged. The homogeneity and lack of division of labor were attributed to the pre industrial society. The cohesiveness of tribalism to Tonnies was a mechanistic mode of congruity. Collective conscience and representations through means such as common flag were another form of community feeling and provide indication how it developed over the years. However as society grew, an heterogeneous sense of bonding developed into what Tonnies has described as the Gesellschaft in which more and more relationships were secondary and impersonal. In some forms slavery and feudalism is a part of the community that existed in the pre industrial age and was only eliminated after the industrial age came to dominate the human activity spectrum. The industrial capitalist society also greatly revolutionized social conditions as the capitalist forces attempted to expand beyond their boundaries in search of trade so did the assimilative values were transferred between different societies which mingled with each other. Reference: 1.Toennies, F. (1957) Community and Society. East Lansing, MI. 2.Weber, Max. (1999). Sociological Writings. Edited by Wolf Heydebrand, published in 1994 by Continuum. Transcribed: by Andy Blunden in 1998, proofed and corrected 1999. 3.– (2005). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. 1905. Translated by   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Talcott Parsons and Anthony Giddens. London : Unwin Hyman.      

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Technology from print to pixel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Technology from print to pixel - Essay Example This reading from the screen and its effectiveness and visible results continues for the rest of the day until the time one will go to bed This new way of reading will definitely change the way people write. As the information flows and is streamed in the screens at a very quick speed, more people will start writing in prose and in other short forms as a way of saving time. This new form of writing will not be strange as translations of the words can be easily got from the same screens and because there is a lot of linking with the new technology in reading, it will not be strange at all. The writing unlike before will continue to increase and a faster pace for that matter as more and more people young and old engage in asking questions and getting written faster and even immediate response hence making them write even more as a way to gain faster knowledge and pass the same knowledge to others through the same

Friday, September 27, 2019

Construction Procurement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Construction Procurement - Essay Example There are different approaches to procuring projects. These approaches are complicated since they lack clarity and particular description of particular procurement routes. The common types of procurement routes available are; For this type of procurement route, the client develops the idea of the project and comes up with a budget. A consultant prepares the design and tender documents for the scope of work to be executed. It is the work of the client to appoint a suitable contractor to execute the work according to the design. The contractor has to complete the work within the specified time frame after an agreement on the contract amount. The contractor remains in a position to sublet the work although he remains liable to the client. During the execution of works, the consultant remains as the administrator, advising the contractor in matters pertaining to design, the progress of work and payment certificates ought to be paid by the client. The contractor is therefore obliged to execute work according to the design, failure of which may lead to his disqualification. To minimize these risks, some refinements are made to this method. This refinement is called Two stage tender. The contractor’s tender relies on consultant’s design partially. This is the stage 1 tender. Thereafter, the contractor will assist in the development of the design and complete tender documents. These documents are then used to develop tenders for the work to be executed (stage 2 tender).the party involved in stage 1 tender has the opportunity to participate in the construction stage. This refinement adds risks to the final tender sum, uncertainty in date of completion of the project. The only variance that is involved in this route is called contractor design portion. This involves the consultant completing most of the work in design. The contractor completes the rest. This is only applicable when special design input is needed.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Channel Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Channel Managment - Essay Example In the contemporary world, people recognize the importance of working in a team. A team is a group of people that are brought together by a common task or responsibility. As there are different qualities present in different kinds of people, they are usually utilized to the maximum extent while working in a team. This is the reason there is much emphasis paid on working as a team; to incorporate the maximum effort from different resources. In this project, we have been asked to prepare a class debate on the effectiveness of channel management and the practices that are being used in it. In order to conduct and effective debate, we made sure we divided the work according to the qualities a person in a team had. It was made sure that equal amount of work was given to everybody so that there is no cognitive dissonance or dissatisfaction on the part of the team members over working. The whole team was asked to work on the research for the relevant material and the proof reading of the researched work was my responsibility. This was done to ensure that the quality of material that was being used does not deviate from the standards and was at par with the upmost standards. To make sure that the information was valid and comprehensive, much emphasis was paid on gathering information from scholarly reports and magazines that have repute in the eyes of others on the basis of their quality. Articles were searched from known writers to ensure credibility and authenticity. The collective work of the team included preparing strong debatable points that were needed to be presented in front of the audience and the tutor. It was the collective of all the group members to prepare the presentation material and it was made sure that all the members were informed of every piece of information that was gathered so that everybody was equally prepared to give in suggestions about the debate and the benefits. Another important task that was divided among the group members was the gathering of information that was required to prepare the whole report. Evaluation of information was done by making sure that the information that was being gathered was from reputable sources and scholarly; so that there is no doubt about the authenticity of the information. Evaluation of information is generally done on the quality and source. To make it free from partiality one has to make sure that the source that is being used should be a third party presenting an opinion so that there is no element of biasness and the information is pure. Similar procedures were used to evaluate various literature sources that in the end helped us to make our report bona fide. Preparation of debate is an entirely different process. It involves brainstorming sessions and cross questioning so that all the queries of the prospective audience are answered in such a way that they don't get a chance to object and get persuaded without any doubts in their minds. Therefore, all the above were practiced to ensure that there were no loopholes left in our debate that was to be presented in front of the class. Introduction Channel management basically means the management of various entities that are working in cohesion at different steps in businesses in the supply chain. In other words, it can be called as the supply chain

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Characterization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Characterization - Essay Example It relates the story of a younger son who prematurely demands his share of his inheritance from his father, squanders it in a distant land, and is reduced to abject poverty and starvation. He returns home to be warmly received be his father and be showered with affection and attention, to the resentment of his elder brother, who has dutifully remained at home all this while. The parable of The Prodigal Son uses characterization to draw clear parallels between the younger son and sinners, the elder son and the Pharisees and the father and God. The younger son represents sinners and, more particularly, the publicans of Biblical times. The publicans were tax collectors who were detested for their oppressive and extortionate tactics. The younger son exhibits the same greed for material wealth as the publicans, as he demands his share of the inheritance even before his father’s death. This is a form of extortion. Even when the younger son decides to return to his father, he is not motivated by genuine repentance or love for his father. His action is based on the coldly calculating decision to offer to be his father’s servant in return for food, as he realizes that his â€Å"father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare† (15:17). It is hunger and the promise of food which bring him back. Like a publican, he is ruled by the selfish traits of self-preservation and the determination to extract what he needs through whatever means necessary – here by becoming one of his father’s h ired servants. He is still indulging in the manipulation of others to his own advantage. The character of the elder son undisputedly reflects the Pharisees who are accusing Jesus of favoring sinners and publicans. The elder sons’ attitude towards the return of his brother is redolent of the righteous indignation and the judgmental high ground taken by the Pharisees. Like the Pharisees, who are rigid and strict

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Learning Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Learning Reflection - Essay Example Also, I learned how to manage issues of the healthcare setting, and how imperative healthcare quality and wellbeing is for patients, family, and team member. Health starts with proper management of care. I realized how management is crucial for improving productivity and quality of the health care. The issues blend well with the two program Learning Outcomes I selected. This is because managing is an important step to a proper health care setting. It is also important that as a leader, one must possess the skills necessary for operations. The two Program Learning Outcomes have supported my way of thinking about what could happen or what is expected. There were several case scenarios that were used for me to make a managerial decision. The scenarios gave me the opportunity to use my judgment and make important decisions. Hence, I have been critical on issues needed for quality and safe healthcare practices. The discussion questions gave me the opportunity to read my online classmate thoughts and opinions. In addition, it gave me the opportunity to form my thoughts and opinions about the course of discussion. The course readings and the reading of classmate discussion were valuable as I have been able to offer critical analysis to issues at

Monday, September 23, 2019

Intelligent Email Analysis Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Intelligent Email Analysis - Literature review Example This was necessary for all the disciplines involving organizations and other institutions in the decision making process at the most appropriate appointed point for decision making. For information to be reliable, for it to pass the test of time, all these were necessary as for any organization to be able to make the most accurate decisions it had to have the right information at its disposal. The intervention of the internet through the wide revolutions in the system these individuals changed the whole face of eternity; they changed mankind by providing the most decisive tool. This tool was so necessary that because of it the world could be transformed into a global village. Problem statement The overall problem under siege, befalling the need for the analysis through the essay, is the fact that we need to analyze and discuss on an in-depth analysis the various issues revolving around the subject of Computer science and Information technology, with more emphasize to the topic of the Intelligent E-mail Analysis. The E-mail or rather the Electronic main is a utility that offers and provides the services of sending e-mails through the net. Confidentiality of data while sending them through the net is emphasized, reliability and relevance of the data the timeliness and accuracy of the data is the most advantageous characteristics presented by the net. Before embarking on an analysis of the Intelligent E-mail analysis, it’s crucial to consider the main tool which the Email service uses, the â€Å"Internet† A brief History of the internet The internet refers to the interconnection between networks. The internet is a network of networks. A network is the connectivity between the various computers at all the receiving ends. This is effective and efficient enough to facilitate communication between the node computers and the server computer at the receiving end. The intervention of the refined form of internet connectivity during the year of 1972 where on e Sir Kahn did a demonstration of a large magnitude of the ARPANET. This was during a conference held that was called the ICCC also International Computer Communication Conference. (Finlayson, Ross S, 79) During this very same year 1972, researchers and inventors in the internet came up with what was then referred to as the â€Å"Hot† utility that was in the form of an application utility. This utility among others outlined as the E-mail or rather electronic mail services were brought to life. In the month of July, Roberts gave more innovation and further expanded the initial utility by making the exact first initiative of sending the first E-mail (Electronic Mail). After the intervention and discovery of the E-mail utility, the next discovery was the WWB also known as the World Wide Web. This was initially meant to bring life to the overall concept of the internet which was to bring the whole world into one global village, to transform the whole world make ease the passage a nd effectiveness of the communication process.(Finlayson, Ross S,79) Outlined Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet as a utility: The Internet certainly brings more good than harm as indeed dictated It

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Social Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social Media - Research Paper Example Social media, however, brings about pervasive and substantial advancements to communicate between individuals, communities, and organizations. Despite the broad used of social media, it has disadvantages as well as the advantages it has brought into communication. This research paper discusses various perspectives concerning social media, its growth, advantages, and disadvantages it has brought to the current generation. Social media is different from industrial/traditional media in a number of ways including, reach, usability, quality, frequency, permanence, and immediacy (Mandiberg, 2012). Studies depict that, there are many positive and negative effects, which stem from social media usage. Such studies show that many people spend more time on social media sites than the time they spend on other internet sites (Gupta, Brooks & Vines, 2013). Simultaneously, the total time that Americans spent on social media networks using computers and portable devices increased by thirty-seven per cent to an approximate of hundred and twenty-one billion minutes in the year 2012, with comparison of eighty-eight billion in the year 2011 (Mandiberg, 2012). ... The mobile food owner was not interested in using social media networks. Afterwards, he decided to give Twitter a try. Using this social media network as an advertising tool, he was able to keep his customers up to date about his new location, new types of food, and special offers of each day. Because of using social media networks to advertise his business, his sales gradually increased since he was able to reach new and a large group of customers more easily. This means that social media is useful to the US people since entrepreneurs are now able to advertise their business at a low cost advertising approach hence increase their sales through offline and online marketing. Many business owners are currently making use of social media networks as a means of advertising their businesses. This is through posting business blogs and uploading product’s images on various social media applications as well as creating business websites. Friedman (2011) tries to show how social media networks have really contributed to the advancement of many businesses across the world. Mangle & Zaveri (2013) article explains how social media has resulted reputation building, career opportunities, and increase of monetary income. The article talks about a case study of how the current large private and public companies employ social media to engage and attract new customers. Students at a certain college use the case study to determine the issues that social media can bring to the world. The students use social media in their project to teach them how to determine goals and for planning a supportive strategy to help them reach their goals. Mangle & Zaveri (2013) try to outline that, social media poses more advantages to

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Jacksonian democracy Essay Example for Free

Jacksonian democracy Essay Jacksonian Democracy refers to the political philosophy of United States President Andrew Jackson and his supporters. Jacksons policies followed in the footsteps of Thomas Jefferson. Jacksons Democratic Party was resisted by the rival Whig Party. More broadly, the term refers to the period of the Second Party System (1824-1854) when Jacksonian philosophy was ascendant as well as the spirit of that era. It can be contrasted with the characteristics of Jeffersonian democracy, which dominated the previous political era. Jacksons equal political policy became known as Jacksonian Democracy, subsequent to ending what he termed a monopoly of government. The Jacksonian era saw a great increase of respect and power for the common man, as the electorate expanded to include all white male adult citizens, rather than only land owners in that group. In contrast to the Jeffersonian era, Jacksonian democracy promoted the strength of the presidency and executive branch at the expense of Congress, while also seeking to broaden the publics participation in government. Jacksonians believed in enfranchising all white men, rather than just the propertied class, and supported the patronage system that enabled politicians to appoint their supporters into administrative offices, arguing it would reduce the power of elites and prevent aristocracies from emerging. They demanded elected (not appointed) judges and rewrote many state constitutions to reflect the new values. In national terms the Jacksonians favored geographical expansion, justifying it in terms of Manifest Destiny. There was usually a consensus among both Jacksonians and Whigs that battles over slavery should be avoided. The Jacksonian Era lasted roughly from Jacksons 1828 election until the slavery issue became dominant after 1850 and the American Civil War dramatically reshap ed American politics as the Third Party System emerged.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Can We Trust Our Senses? Essay

Can We Trust Our Senses? Essay The absolute truth is a journey that leads to never-before experienced realms. The end of this road could never be reached and even the best man will only go a few steps in the right direction. To determine what the truth is and what it is not, a reliability is placed upon what we identify from our senses. This is the standard approach that we as humans take but, it is not necessarily the correct one. Many problems came up when establishing the truth based on our senses and thus they can rarely be fully trusted, this is what we can say when taking bad decisions. Sense is scientifically defined as any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt, as the faculties of hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and equilibrium.  [1]  Senses are important in our lives. We are born with them and we would not be able to live without them, but we have a problem with them we can not identify whether they are true or not. Whether they tell us the truth. We are able to see, hear, touch, smell but we are not aware how much these senses matter to us, we are not able to use them properly. Our senses work best in trying to prove if something stimulating our knowledge of reality, not if what we know is absolutely true, but rather if a new truth stimulates known truths, and the old ways remain the same way. Experience that has been done with our senses previously lets us know that something is not working quietly good. Our actual senses convey the physical world to the extent they can do it without being tricked they are mechanisms, they do not understand and interpret, they give us complete information. Our sensory areas in the brain immediately start to simplify this information till we can attach meaning to it. From that point on the information is interpreted as truth( not counting the wavelength, certain pitches, because this would make a minor difference to our understanding of truth). There has always been a problem in distinguishing between something that is true and  something that is not true, because how exactly do we know if its true or if its not. In this  essay truth is going to be defined as conformity with fact or reality; verity.  [2]  Truth can be  defined by senses, however it is very hard to say that form the definition. For example lets  have two brothers Andy and Harry. Andy and Harry have the same perfumes and wear the  same clothes. Harrys friend thought he saw and smelled Harry passing by but actually it was  Andy. We can now say that our senses are not right, because as the friend smelled Harrys  perfumes and saw the clothes of Harry his senses were wrong it was Andy which passed by. This example is showing that senses can tell us truth, only on certain grounds. So there are five definite senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Going back to the essential question, When should we trust our senses to give us truth? In other words, in what aspects of our life can we trust ourselves to understand the true reality of what we believe is happening? Must we really rely on our sense perception for everything? The functioning of all the senses may give us true, but isnt true based on our perception A good example of the above statement is the belief in God we believe in him but actually we dont see him. So do we really trust our senses if we believe in God. We can not see him we can not hear him we can not touch him and we believe in him, also here is the truth in that. So do we really relay on our senses and do they really tell us the truth? Now what causes that is that the faith and for us that becomes the ultimate truth. Another example would be when you have a cold or you are sick can you still trust your senses? If you have a blocked nose then you can not smell anything, so should you still trust your sense of smell? Or should you just ignore that and trust the other senses. A well known philosopher A.J. Ayer. A.J. Ayer (1910-1989) was only 24 when he wrote the book that made his philosophical name, Language, Truth, and Logic (hereafter LTL), that was published in 1936. This book defines, explains, and argues for the logical positivsm, sometimes referred to as the criterio n of significance or criterion of meaning  [3]  . It explains how problems might be solved by the principle of verifiablity. In these views Ayer saw himself as continuing in the line of British empiricism established by Locke and Hume, whose representative was Russell. Throughout A.J Ayer subsequent career he remained with his traditions rejection of the possibility of synthetic a priori knowledge. He saw philosophy method to be the analysis of the meaning of key terms, such as causality, truth, knowledge, freedom.  [4]  . He has investigated the concept justified true belief. Ayer has argued that existence is not a predicate( what is a predicate? In the sentence. Alex is slow is slow is the predicate) A persons sense of perception isnt exactly true that the object exists. Using the above example is Alex exists or not this does not change the fact that the perceive of Alex is slow. Basically what he was trying to say that for something that has to be known, it has to be beli eved, justified( senses for example) and true. The difficulty is proving if something is true or not for example in science we dont prove something we just support it. There is also the question how to test for accuracy which also can make our true different, so for example if we have a really accurate results for testing truth this can lead us to finding out what is truth actually. There is another theory of knowledge known as justified racialism this thory is about that where in order for a knowledge claim to be knowledge it has to be believed, true and justified according to a reliable cognitive process there is a lot of debate over what constitutes a reliable cognitive process and in particular about whether the senses are trustworthy enough to be this process  [5]  . Summarising your senses are the inner being of our souls and that is what needs to be used fist. Trust can be broken our senses tell us when something is wrong and if we chose to ignore our senses and trust what someone is telling us we can end up being hurt and if we go on emotions boy, children get hurt many times when they feel that bad and trust that a bad person with a sob story will tell them. This is when they do not trust their senses for example if their hand is hurting and their friend tells them to play they ignore their senses and just continue playing then they sib at home, due to the fact that the hand is hurting and they cant play football any more, because their hand is broken. So we do need to trust our senses. But our senses as I said before never give us true they give as data which we can use or ignore as the kid in the story above. Truth is not something we sense, it is something we recognize. The data that our senses give us is pretty accurate, we just have to k now how to use it correctly. On the other hand our interpretation of that data is many times in error. Emotion is the bodys reaction to thought, I will again use the example of the boy playing football he didnt trust his senses he kept playing football and after when he came back home he couldnt lay any more football, his body reacted to his emotion, the hand was hurting. We can trust the information that emotion imparts only as far as we have been able to become aware of how it operates in our lives. All emotion is giving us information about ourselves and the best way of accepting that is to know our way of living. If we know our reaction to emotions we know ourselves. Concluding we can not identify if we should trust our senses or not, sometimes we should trust our senses and sometimes there are situations that we should not trust our senses.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

African Culture and Traditions as Told by Waris Dirie :: Waris Dirie Africa Rituals Cultural Essays

African Culture and Traditions as Told by Waris Dirie Waris Dirie was born into a family of nomads in a Somalian desert. Growing up, she was privileged to run free with nature’s most majestic animals, and learned a respect for nature that many of us as Americans could never fathom. However, these thrills are just on the surface of what life is really like for African women. She suffered through intense traditional mutilation in her childhood, and endless hours of hard labor in the fields everyday. At the age of 13, she ran away to escape the marriage that her father had arranged for her to a sixty-year-old man in exchange for five camels. She left with nothing but the swaddling clothes on her back not even shoes to protect her feet from the scorching African sun. Her journey on foot went on for weeks, until she found her sister, who had also ran away five years earlier for the same reasons. After getting reacquainted with an aunt and her ambassador husband, Waris moved to England with them. When her uncle’s term was up, sh e stayed in England where a photographer, who eventually put her on the cover many major magazines, discovered her. In describing her remarkable journey through life, Waris demonstrates examples of a masculine culture with elements high uncertainty-avoidance, and her own individualism amongst such a collectivistic society. Waris’s description of life in Africa is a perfect definition for a masculine culture. She explains, â€Å"Women are the backbone of Africa; they do most of the work. Yet women are powerless to make decisions.† She recalls a story of how her loving mother permitted her to be butchered, because of a traditional African ritual to please African men. When she was five years old, her mother made her an appointment to meet with â€Å"the gypsy women.† Waris didn’t know exactly what this meant, but it was supposedly an exciting moment in the lives of young African girls, and when they returned, they were considered women. Waris recalls in graphic detail being bound and blind-folded by her mother while the gypsy women sliced between her legs repeatedly, then sewed her up, leaving a whole the size of a match-head. She was then drug off to a shelter under a bush where she spent weeks alone to recuperate. Sadly, this is not an isolated case, millions of nomadi c cultures still perform the ritual, and many young girls do not survive the surgery.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Repetitive, Meditative Style of Lawrences Birds, Beasts, and Flowe

The Repetitive, Meditative Style of Lawrence's Birds, Beasts, and Flowers D. H. Lawrence is not a formalist. He derives his free verse style from prolonged experience with imaginative essays in which he objectively and vividly contemplates things, people, and places in their singleness rather than in their relationship to each other. Lawrence's purpose, according to Gilbert, is "knowledge through meditation": he essays "to know something . . . intuitively . . . obliquely . . . fragmentarily; not through orderly ratiocination, but through emotional perception." As his style developed, Lawrence's essays became "increasingly idiosyncratic, increasingly elliptical, spontaneous and jazzy, as though reflecting the process rather than the product of thought." Gilbert finds Birds, Beasts, and Flowers, Lawrence's sixth volume of poetry, written in a "casual, improvisational, unfinished style" that "functions not only as a means of communication but [also] as a process of discovery" (131-32). Building on Gilbert's studies, an examination of "Fruits," the first sequence of the nine-part Birds, Beasts, and Flowers, reveals that Lawrence's repetitive, meditative style employs three types of repetition. "Fruits," an archetypal sequence about eating fruit and being changed by its magical properties, admits readers into Lawrence's meditations and his Blakeian journey to the natural world (Gilbert 333). The poet/narrator tantalizes his prissy countrymen by suggestively dangling fruits that hold "a secret that can be experienced with the senses, but cannot be grasped intellectually" (Lockwood 105). Lawrence accomplishes his poetic journey through revisions of myths. The opening poem, "Pomegranate," which alludes to the myth of Pers... ...h life with "family and friends" (Unterecker 241). Works Cited French, Roberts W. "Lawrence and American Poetry." The Legacy of D. H. Lawrence, Jeffrey Meyers, ed. New York: St. Martin's P, 1987. 109-34. Gilbert, Sandra M. Acts of Attention: The Poems of D. H. Lawrence. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1990. Lawrence, D. H. Birds, Beasts, and Flowers. New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1923. Lockwood, M. J. A Study of the Poems of D. H. Lawrence: Thinking in Poetry. Houndsmills, England: MacMillan P, 1987. Murfin, Ross C. The Poetry of D. H. Lawrence: Texts and Contexts. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1983. Unterecker, John. "Of Father, of Son: On "Fergus Falling," "After Making Love We Hear Footsteps," and Angling, a Day." On the Poetry of Galway Kinnell: The Wages of Dying, Howard Nelson, ed. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1987. 227-41.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Use of Dramatic Irony in Sophocles Oedipus the King Essay

The Use of Dramatic Irony in Sophocle's Oedipus the King Tragedy as an element of the human experience has been the subject of many of the great works of literature written in the Western tradition. For some, tragedy embodies the highest form of humanity. It is through suffering that we are able to reveal ourselves most completely. Others see tragedy as an element of morality where we are to learn well the lessons of those who tempt the gods. The Ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, outlined a theory of tragedy as archetypal drama in his classic work, the Poetics. He uses the play by Sophocles, Oedipus the King (hereafter "Oedipus"), as the standard model by which all other tragedies are measured. In Aristotle's view, a perfect tragedy should not be simple, but rather complex in its action. It is the degree of complexity of the tragedy, the true increase in the amount of suffering that the heroic character has to go through, that intensifies the use of this device. The truly tragic figure will go through the play experiencing grad ually increasing amounts of knowledge which reveal more horrible details. At each revelation, the audience has already been made aware of the tragic event so it is prepared and waiting for the hero's downfall. To achieve true tragic circumstances, a clear reversal of fortune is required to occur to the main character. This reversal of fortune, above and beyond negative events, will then garner feelings of pity and fear in the hearts of the audience. As Aristotle states: The change of fortunes should be not from bad to good, but, reversely, from good to bad. It should come as a result not of vice, but of some great error or frailty, in a character either such as we have describe... destined to marry his mother after defeating the Sphinx. The audience, however, long familiar with the ancient myth, is mindful that in solving the riddle Oedipus further condemns himself. These choices lead to the ultimate climax where Oedipus blinds himself and wanders the earth as punishment for his actions. The lack of knowledge of his fate combined with the audience's total familiarity with the myth provides for the greatest differential between knowing and not knowing. Dramatic irony, used throughout the play to emphasize the power of fate, is ultimately used as the closing statement of man's frailty in the face of infinite justice. Works Cited Aristotle. Poetics. 12 July 2005. Gwynn, R. S. Drama: A Pocket Anthology, Second Edition. New York: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc, 2002.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Alcohol Use Disorders

The amount of written and published materials about alcohol and alcohol related disorders continue to grow everyday because the role of these written output is to chronicle how human society is moving forward alongside medical and psychological development that can handle the cases that come up in line with people and the psychological and mental dilemma they face after breaching the limits of excessive alcohol intake.Reflected in the paper are either opinions of specialists or products of intensive study in the part of the specialist.This paper is designed to capture as much information as possible that can lead to the continuation of the building block process required in the continued creation and improvement of socially shared knowledge, and today, Internet and magazine articles, private journals as well as news and professional journals in the field of medicine, psychiatry and psychology are consistently fulfilling the role they are designated for. Basically, the paper is geared so that people can know more.This paper gave a very short description about alcohol and its role in the society, as well as in our health – how it is being abused and taken in excess and what are its repercussions to health, especially in the mental soundness of a person. The paper included in its discussion the salient points of Kalapi's arguments and the newfound analysis on the changing behavior of college students and the fading concept of controlled drinking.The paper will also discuss published works and related stories about alcohol and anxiety disorder as well as kids who are suffering from ADHD and how alcohol intake can gravely affect them in their lives sooner or later.Mental health and alcohol intake and the impact of some of the drugs given to patients to cure mental problems and how it affects the patients are also discussed in the paper, along with concerns that involve alcohol and disorders in sleeping such as the sleep related breathing disorder or SRBD.Intr oduction – The Institute of Alcohol Studies labeled alcohol as the second most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world because of the promise of the alcohol’s after effects.Since the beginning of the establishment of the sciences and field of medical specializations that are capable of studying and analyzing the impact of alcohol in the mental health of the people, the influx of inputs backed with medical and scientific proofs extracted through acceptable and reliable means have been consistent, enabling modern day professionals to constantly remind the people about the possible mental health risk they might face especially with uncontrolled intake of alcohol in huge dosages.Every year, new information about alcohol related disorders pertaining to mental health are made available, and the purpose of this paper is to provide a collated and descriptive database of the new and updated information about alcohol.According to an Institute of Alcohol Studies paper, pro blems on alcohol and mental health have a close relationship with each other, ‘people with mental health problems are at raised risk of alcohol problems and vice versa' (IAS, 2007). Something that has to do with this partly is because of the intertwined nature of the two.One of the most common reactions of mentally bothered individuals is to resort to a means wherein he or she is free to recreate the world, something which is easily done with the help of alcohol, while some excessive drinkers are experiencing an altered world because of the toxicity of the body from the high level of alcohol intake.There are many reasons why, and some of which may include the fact that alcohol intake for some is an act that can enable a person to cope with whatever problem he or she is experiencing at the moment, which includes depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, manic- depressive illness and even schizophrenia.Alcohol Related Disorders is one of the many disorders included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision, or simply the DSM-IV-TR.Indicated in the DSM-IV-TR under the topic Alcohol Related Disorders are several other sub topics that talk about alcohol related disorders, namely the following: Abuse, Dependence, Induced Anxiety Disorder, Induced Mood Disorder, Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder, Induced Persisting Dementia, Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions, Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations, Induced Sexual Dysfunction, Induced Sleep Disorder, Intoxication, Intoxication Delirium, Related Disorder NOS, Withdrawal and Withdrawal Delirium.Because of the scope and breadth of the discussion alcohol related disorder, the paper will try its best to exhaust every possible source to bring to light updated and published works that present new and updated information regarding the development in the different fields of science that directly or indirectly affects one or every alcohol relat ed disorder topic.New Findings about Alcohol-Related Disorders – Alcohol, alcoholism and the resulting physical and social impact brought about by concerns stemming from the uncontrolled and unchecked use of alcohol is the reason why specialists in different fields are working non-stop in trying to find answers and remedies to prevailing questions and problems that directly involve alcohol consumption and alcoholism.Practicing professionals as well as academicians take an important role in the task of updating the data bank of the collective societal consciousness with regards to the newest information involving mental and psychological health and alcohol consumption and dependence.These information are sometimes handed over to the people in the next echelon who are capable of mass communication like media entities and school teachers and instructors, as well as health service personnel and non-government organizations that are geared in helping the society cope with the pers isting problem of alcoholism, trying to keep its impact on the society and its people (and their health) to a modest minimum.This paper is geared in presenting a collection of new and update findings that focuses and affects the problems on alcohol-related disorders in the hope that these new information can help the readers be more informed of such types of disorders, how they can be checked and detected, how it can be avoided and how it can be cured.The information included in this paper includes notes on the paper and talk of Elissavet Kapaki, through the work Alcoholic dementia: myth or reality? which was published online on 2006.Information about the published study of William R. Yates, M.D. on August 23, 2007 about Anxiety Disorders in the Emedicine WebMD website, as well as the useful information from Steven Gans, MD regarding the impact of alcohol and the risk of suffering from alcohol related disorders among children suffering from ADHD syndrome in the article published May of this year, are also included in this paper.The paper also notes how the increase in cases of excessive beer drinking among college students and how it impacts the students’ psychological frame of mind, as mentioned in the article ‘Binge drinking, pill abuse intensify at colleges’, a   March, 2007 article from the Associated Press and published by the search engine MSN in partnership with NBC (MSNBC).

Bakhtin’s Theory of Self Knowledge

Mikhail Bakhtin in his theory of Self-Knowledge was primarily concerned with the freedom that a â€Å"fictional† character could have and its connection to the author. Accordingly, Bakhtin have suggested, what he calls, the theory of â€Å"surplus-vision† which corresponds to the inability of the character to obtain a self-knowledge which is only possible through having the chance to observe him self.In a more simple terms, Bakhtin explained that the character could or any other human being for that instance that exist outside of a person’s mind could not contemplate and think about the same things that the person who is contemplating has been thinking. Thus, when a person is contemplating about someone else, he would â€Å"see and know somethingâ€Å"that the character that the person has been contemplating could never see and know†.In such case that someone whom the person is contemplating, or that character that the person have been thinking could not act independently on his own without author, as its creator could have thought. Put plainly, this means that the character could never be in a situation wherein he can decide and write about himself without the authors will or foreknowledge. Bakhtin have further discussed that the character’s ability to act liberally would depend upon his being able to act in surprising manner. Such that, a free action is an action that no one else have thought of or have predicted.However, in the case of the character in its relation to its author, it seems to be very impossible for it to be able to act freely from the author’s wishes. This is where Bakhtin’s theory of self-knowledge plays an important role. It is when the analogy of the author and God that Human self-knowledge was put into question. Yet, according to Joseph Bartlett, even without the analogy to God, any person’s action is still predictable or can still be predicted by other person for instance, by someo ne who has known the other person for quite a long time.Thus the only way, in a view that divine intervention is not counted, that the person could be free is through knowing the expectation of other people and acting surprisingly (2005). Bakhtin believes that this was the only way that the person could act freely and not determined, having a self-knowledge of thy self is the only way to free thyself. For instance one of my friends has been living a very active lifestyle. He joins different sports and was engaged in interdisciplinary activities and courses.This is when he was to choose a humanities course for his senior year; I along with some of our friends have been really surprise when he took up an art course. It was really surprising and even more, when I asked him about his decision, he simply stated that he wants to surprise himself. References Bartlett, J. (2005). Freedom And Self-Knowledge In The Dramatic Works Of Anton Chekhov. University of Missouri-Columbia.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Resort with a difference

This will be a resort that is customized for Christians though will be open to all as far as they maintain the culture of the place. Different services will be offered including foods and drinks, conference facilities, sports facilities, accommodation, entertainment and spiritual nourishment facilities for Christians.Services will be offered in a serene environment and no alcoholic drinks or other unchristian behaviour will be allowed in the place. Spiritual nourishment facilities will include Christian literature, music and teaching sessions.The Resort will be unique in that besides offering essential services it will maintain an environment that will encourage socialization and at the same time provide spiritual nourishment. All facilities will be provided with great consideration on nurturing good morals and personal developments.The Resort will be a substitute for the local pub or club only that services and facilities will all be geared not only on socialization and entertainmen t but both on spiritual and physical development. There are many people who would like to benefit from facilities offered in pubs, resorts and clubs but their moral values, faiths or public standing prevent them from going to such places due to the nature of provision of services in such places.However, a Resort for Christians will be unique and will provide the modest environment that such people require; they will be able to watch football, popular TV programs or a movie in a place they are comfortable in and with the company of people they would prefer to be with. The churches and other Christian organisations have numerous meetings and visitors and will be easily lured into using this kind of resort because of the perception that it is a Christian place.In the next five weeks the Resort will be in the incubation period. In this period we will be preparing a grand opening of the Resort. We will do in-depth publicity of the up-coming Resort and the grand opening event. Publicity w ill be done through print and electronic media, billboards and direct mail to prominent people.In this period the Resort facilities will be prepared thoroughly and decorated in order to be   The incubation period will end with a grand opening of the Resort which will also mark the entry into the introduction stage. According to NetMBA Business Knowledge Center website ( â€Å"during the introduction stage, the primary goals is to establish a market and build primary demand for the product class.†We would do this through intense publishing the resort by the grand opening and continued advertisement. We would invite prominent people in the society, especially those who have a reputation of modesty, to grace the occasion. We will then also adopt a penetration pricing strategy by offering favourable pricing for our products for the first month of our operation.As the business grows we will continually evaluate the service provisi on systems in the facilities and ensure we offer quality services. This is because, as cited in NetMBA Business Knowledge Center website (, as a product moves through the different stages of its life cycle, it necessitates change of the marketing strategy thus calling for continuous evaluation and re-adjustment.We will establish a modest and unique culture in order to ensure that our services are different from others. This product differentiation together with continued promotion will ensure that our services are preferred. We will also invest in technology so as to increase efficiency and effectiveness in provision of services.We will maintain a well detailed website and establish links with travel agencies. We would evaluate our business continually and increase or reduce the services we offer and how are they are offered. This will be geared toward maintaining our services as different from those of our competitors and ensuring co st effectiveness. We would also keep on exploring new ways of promoting our services so as to maintain our market share and to compete effectively.ReferencesNetMBA Business Knowledge Center. The Product Life Cycle. Retrieved January 07, 2008 from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bhavnath Temple Case Study

GOSAI NILESH H. DIVISION – A SUB: CASE OF BHAVNATH TEMPLE SUBMITED TO: Dr. D. R. D. Introduction: The case is all about an increasing irrigation facilities after independence but there was certain problems with the removing location of BHAVNATH TEMPLE which is between the dam and people don’t want to change place of temple with that there are some other issue also there. After independence in 1947, the both central & state government want overall economic development. In undivided Bombay province a proposal given to build dam on river. It calculated 4700 million cu. ft.Water to develop 92000 acre of land, In 3 district. To do that 8 villages are totally submerged and resettled at other place. This all require to providing new livelihood to people. The reservoir was to have catchments area of 230 sq. miles. The average rainfall was 34†. In this 1 plan the F. S. L. , was 592 H. F. L. was 596 and R. L. was 601. Directed irrigable area was 19300 acres and the indirect irrigation flow to some 73600acre. It yields 15. 83 lacks revenue per year. Agricultural production increase as 30400 tons. It was 147. 74 lacks. This project was fully feasible in the eyes of government.If plan 1 was accepted than temple was saved by using gates to save from flood. After making 1 proposal government made 2 proposal. In that, if all of three levels rose so that ultimate capacity raise to 1000 million cu. Ft. in that F. S. L. 595 &H. F. L. 606. By doing this the agricultural production increasing and irrigation facilities provide to larger areas. But in 2 plan temple could not be saved but people remained adamant in there demand. IN 1960 state of Bombay bifurcated and now Gujarat PWD department began to think about reopened the plan again.They find this scheme was good for development. The problem is that what should do to become success of this plan. Objectives: †¢ To build the dam, †¢ To increase agricultural production, †¢ Do ultimate overall devel opment Problems: †¢ Temple get submerged, †¢ Religious sentiments, †¢ Opposition by villagers †¢ People get displaced. Constraints: †¢ Location of dam †¢ Religious sentiment can’t be changed. Criteria: †¢ Cost should be minimized †¢ Maximum returns †¢ Minimum people affected †¢ Minimum time in implementation Alternatives: †¢ Plan 1 if no plan 2 †¢ Resettlement of affected people †¢ Wall around the temple Help from religious leader †¢ Convincing people about benefit †¢ Raising the height of temple Suggestion: From all above alternative we compare it with objectives, problem, and criteria we can suggest that to succeeding this scheme government should increasing level of temple by above than flood level with using good construction peeler so ultimately height of temple raised and they saved from flood. By doing so peoples are permit to build dam on river. Contingency plan: If it is not possible to build temple by construction of piller then take help from the religious leader. THANK YOU

Friday, September 13, 2019

Interpersonal management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Interpersonal management - Coursework Example The success of these improvements will be measured through observing the response of the various people I will communicate with within the next two weeks. Direct questions on how they feel I should improve on my listening skills will also be asked. Positive responses and more lively discussions will be the main measure of how effective I will have improved on my listening skills. Record 5 Areas of Strength in Team Work The questionnaire on team contribution skills has been of great assistance in identifying my major strengths and weaknesses in team work skills. Personally, I have identified nine major areas in which my teamwork strengths lie in. When working with teams, I have been good at listening to others, providing solutions, time management, maintaining group focus, helping others and organizing the members. The area of administrative chores has also benefited from my contribution. Generally, I have over 60% rating gauging by the questionnaire; which is commendable. Weaknesses in Team Performance Group members identified two major areas of weaknesses that I exhibit during teamwork activities. They include leaving the responsibility of driving the team to others and generating many ideas that are mostly irrelevant to situations. To begin, I have left responsibility in the hands of others in this activity. This has been due to my areas of weakness such as the inability to present charts and drawings, my inadequate research skills and inability to help in positive conflict resolutions. In the past, it has been a difficult task for me to remain non-partisan especially when my close associates are involved in conflict and that has been a major...Weaknesses in Team Performance Group members identified two major areas of weaknesses that I exhibit during teamwork activities. The two weaknesses in team performance as identified by group members need to be addressed so that my team work skills are sharpened. Addressing the Weaknesses In the area of conflict resolution, I intend to register for future conflict resolution seminars and join relevant clubs or societies that promote effective conflict resolution to enable me handle future conflicts effectively. Record 6 Non-violent communication (NVC) Rosenberg (2003) outlines the four main components of NVC that are very essential in any communication process including face to face communication. They include observation, feelings, needs and requests. The first step involves observing and in face to face communication it may involve listening to the details of the speaker, which are verbal and non verbal. After stating how we feel, the next stage involves identifying the needs that maybe connected with the said feelings. Luckily enough, a student sympathizer came in and helped me to handle the situation. The use of the NVC could have helped in this situation. The process of observing, stating feelings, identifying needs and finally making request was not duly followed. Identifying specific needs of the book owner and identifying mine could have helped in resolving the matter.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Amusing Ourselves to Death and You Just Dont Understand Essay

Amusing Ourselves to Death and You Just Dont Understand - Essay Example Part one deals with how the American media developed through the ages, with an emphasis on the printed word at first, and then the arrival of the telegraph and radio. These topics are discussed first, in a chronological order, to create a context and fill in the background. Part two looks at modern media, with an emphasis on show business, film and especially television. The structure offers two main arguments: how things have developed first of all, and then what this means for the modern world. Deborah Tannen’s You Just Don’t Understand is not arranged chronologically, but rather takes a range of different topics on the subject of men’s language and women’s language and deals with them one by one. It starts very generally, with a description of how women and men are socialized in separate spaces, and develop different techniques. The key phrase â€Å"Asymmetry† is introduced (chapter 2) and defined as the gap between the sexes. In the middle chapters more specific topics such as interruptions, and gossip are discussed, and then last chapter (chapter 10) revisits the idea of asymmetry and the author describes what to do about this mis-match, namely to open up lines of communication that both men and women can understand. An afterword written ten years after the first publication reports how successful the book was, and answers some questions which readers and critics have raised. The thematic structure suggests that the subject is being tr eated as a collection of observations rather than a single line of argument. It allows the author to range freely over many details. Question 2 Postman relies on the earlier ideas of media and culture scholar Marshall McLuhan and notes that â€Å"the clearest way to see through a culture is to attend to its tools for conversation.† (Postman: 1985, p. 8) From this basic observation he moves to a close examination of American discourse, looking at cultural phenomena like Las Vegas, with its focus on high risk and materialism, and the medium of television which offers unintelligent and repetitive material to keep citizens quietly consuming its hidden messages. A key issue for Postman is that dictatorship need not be obvious and violent, like a fascist regime which dominates people’s lives with physical deprivation and misery. A dictatorship can be subtle and deceptive, and television is just such a force. It is not just the message that the media offer, nor even just the medium of presentation that is important, but also the far reaching implications of both of these things together as they impact upon passive viewers. The argument is very convincing because it sums up the commercialization and â€Å"dumbing down† of television in the 1980s and 1990s and points out a number of dangers which most people have not been aware of. Deborah Tannen’s book makes many statements about the different ways that men and women use language, and explains that this is often at the root of difficulties which couples have in their relationship. Her argument is based on the discipline of linguistics, and she uses linguistic terminology in quite a technical way, explaining how these features work, and what they imply about male and female gender behaviors. A big feature of the book is its insistence that male and female styles are both equally valid: â€Å"Throughout this book, and throughout my work, I take a no-fault approach† (Tannen, 2001, p. 30 1) This is a laudable aim, but unfortunately the book does not always stick to it, and there is more than a touch of pro-feminist argumentation, for example in chapter on â€Å"dominance and control,† which refers to other research but without clear indication of sources. There is a lot

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Critical Thinking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Thinking - Research Paper Example When HP, Compaq, and Dell developed PCs and offered to the individuals at an affordable cost, the market grew at an exponential rate. It was too late for IBM then to grab a respectable share in PC market. A critical and creative thinking on part of the IBM to serve large small consumers at an affordable cost would have prevented others to grab the huge market that it culminated into within a decade or so. Free will is a philosophical term for which most philosophers believe that the free will is related with moral responsibility. Acting with free will means one is responsible for ones action. Free will, according to Rene Descartes, means freedom of choice to do or not to do something (Stanford encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2010). Socrates rightly said that truth can be approached by complete ignorance and not by any preconceived notions and beliefs. When one questions all established belief system then one goes nearer to the truth. Usually, it is believed that knowledge is an observational phenomenon but according to ‘rationalists’, knowledge can also be gained purely by thinking. This contrasts the view point of ‘empiricists’ that all knowledge is gained through observations. In order to understand what knowledge is and how it will be available, one needs to ponder over what role knowing might play or what inherent value it may offer – if there is any (Internet Encyclopedia of philosophy (2012). Usually, opinions are formed before hand before going deeper into the details. Each one of us has preconceived beliefs and opinions about so many things and that come in our way in finding the truth. Opinions without any basis are great impediments to our free thinking. Egocentrism is hindrance to critical thinking because it revolves around self-centered thinking. It has two major forms known as self-serving and self-interested thinking. Egocentrism develops due to superiority feeling in

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Response letter to Simon Wiesenthal from the book Sunflower Essay

Response letter to Simon Wiesenthal from the book Sunflower - Essay Example I would have felt the same. Indeed, this question is hard to answer because I have no experience, although you have described the situation vividly. In addition, it is much easier to say yes and get done with it especially when you have not identified yourself in other people’s lives. I have understood why you cannot answer the request of the dying man. It is because you have so many burdens in your heart, and the wound is still fresh. The symbol of sunflower always reminds you the connection of living and the dead. Envy was in your heart because even though that man cannot claim for your forgiveness; there will be a sunflower on his tomb. Sunflower is also a reminder of the lives that had been taken due to Holocaust. During that time, when the man asked for your forgiveness, the measurement you used was the sunflower. It directs you to the decision you had made -- to be silent and walk away. Pain is extremely difficult to handle. It will haunt you even when you are asleep. Pain will make your dreams and hopes vanished. My criticism to your behavior will later lead to my answer to your question: Are the Nazis worthy of Jews’ forgiveness? In behalf of 6 million Jews that died, can I forgive that man who participated in eliminating my family, friends, and ra ce? When faith and moral values combine, the answer to that question is yes. Within the context of your story, you have never found absolute peace because even at the end of your life, you will ask a similar question. Although you have been called as the conscience of the Holocaust, your past decision haunts you. Forgiveness is the key to free yourself from the nightmare of the Holocaust. Moreover, forgiveness is associated with letting go. It does not signify that you will forget what had happened in the past, but freeing yourself from anger and hatred. It will lead to healing and restoring your stolen

Monday, September 9, 2019

Computer Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Computer Literacy - Essay Example These audiences are identified and the reasons as to why a certain search engine is suitable for them. The effectiveness of all the search engines for their different purposes is also discussed. Finally, each of the search engines has some advantages and disadvantages over the others due to their different aesthetic, technical and privacy features. These advantages and disadvantages are discussed for each of the search engines. Search engines can be classified into several types. General search engines are portals which allow for searching of content using an algorithm specifically designed for this task. Google is a general search engine, alongside Yahoo! and Bing among others. Metasearch engines work by submitting query keywords to other search engines, which in turn perform a search using the provided keywords. The results are then aggregated and returned to the user. A point to note is that metasearch engines do not have a database of webpage contents, they only sort the search results from other search engines in a desirable manner (, 2015). Examples of metasearch engines includes Dogpile, Excite, DeeperWeb, Kayak,, Clusty and LeapFish. DuckDuckGo takes a hybrid approach, being both a general search engine that uses its own crawler while still utilizing a metasearch functionality. Multimedia search engines are used to search the web for videos, images, music, movies and ima ges and multimedia-related services. Search engines can also be classified as crawler-based and human-powered. Crawler-based search engines use software bots to search through websites and create an index by analyzing and categorizing them based on their content, the websites that link to them, the websites they link to and the level of traffic that they experience. Human-powered search engines employ human editors to create and edit their indexes (, 2015). DuckDuckGo and Dogpile search engines fall in the crawler-powered category.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The love-song of J.Alfred Prufrock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The love-song of J.Alfred Prufrock - Essay Example He also preferred the epigraphy because of its immediacy in conveying his message of troubled being in a merciless world. However, the epic form echoes largely in successive stanzas the internal struggles affecting Prufrock as an individual. In other words, he has random thoughts that are vividly communicated in each stanza. Likewise, certain stanzas possess the use of free verse to connote Elliot’s deliberate usage of the technique as a means of breaching literary standards. He, for instance, notes in the third stanza â€Å"In the room the women come and go/Talking of Michelangelo† to portray a defiance of regular structure (Elliot 1). Additionally, it is a deeper manifestation of communicating differently. This poetic technique is supported by the poet’s use of a blank verse where there are no commas, semicolons, or hyphens at the end of every line. A blank verse makes the poem irregular and unmetered and, thus, spontaneous in the message it is intended for its audience. Likewise, Elliot employs the use of allusion in his poem as a ploy to create emphasis and achieve a lasting rhythmic effect. For example, the poet alludes to the Greek Poet Hesiod in line 29 when observes that â€Å"Time for all the works and days of hands (Elliot 2).† Another aspect of allusion is noted in line 52 when the poet makes references to the Twelfth Night by Shakespeare. Overall, it the allusions are meant to strengthen the imagery found in each stanza. On that perspective, imagery is a demonstration of the need to build realistic images of the plight and internal struggles affecting the persona in the poem. It is also meant to establish a link between comprehending the poet’s thought structure and the intended message for the audience. Use of repetition, on the other hand, is notable with the word ‘And’ to denote the urge to take a certain action successively in the

Saturday, September 7, 2019


SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY ON THE GENDER OF GOD - Term Paper Example However, most ethnologists have argued that God has no gender especially the female theologians quoting the texts in genesis that states that at the beginning God created Man in his own image. In this context, the image of God encompasses the features of both female and male and hence the conclusion that God has no gender. There are also other instances in which God is referred to as strong winds, tides, Waters Mountains and many other names thereby confirming that God is not a human being but a living spirit. The theology on the gender of God is therefore difficult to understand though there are several efforts from different religions to explain the understanding of God’s image with regard to respect to God’s gender.1 Among all these arguments, non has been able to prove that God is female or masculine since several texts referred to in the text are not only referring to specific situations, but are made to aid in the understanding of the words scriptures. For example when God is referred to as God the father, it was meant for the Christians to believe that God is the provider of protection and security. When God is referred top as tides, mountains, waters and many other terms, it refers to power and a kind of supernatural being. This has therefore misled those who read the bible since it has been interpreted the wrong way. This paper has therefore explored the different views from philosophers and theologizes with respect to God’s gender. All through the Christian bible, God is referred to as masculine. 2 This originated from the Greek word theos referring to God and most of the analogies have been used to refer to God and almighty as Masculine. It is important to note that within the Christian doctrines, God had never been referred to as male or female. In fact within the Christian doctrines, God is referred to as the almighty. In this context, God has no gender and represents the image of all of the human being creatures since he state s in the book of genesis that he created human beings in his own image. However, the controversies come when Jesus is referred to as masculine. In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as god and God is Jesus meaning they are one and the same thing. However Jesus in the New Testament is referred to as at the time of his birth as â€Å"baby boy†. Does this therefore mean that Jesus is a boy or a man following the several instances in which he is referred to with masculine notation. It is therefore important to note that there are differences between the new and the Old Testament with regard to the way Jesus’ gender is referred in many occasions. The question here is to determine whether Jesus and God are different or Jesus is God. However in the Old Testament, it has been stated that Jesus was to be born and that he was to be a boy. 3The relationship between Jesus and God is therefore not clear and hence there is lack of consistence between the Old Testament and the N ew Testament. While many Christian doctrines hold that god has no gender, many other religious leaders and Christians have argued that if this is the case then man was not created in the image of God or if man is created in the image of God then â€Å"man† in this context does not include women. In the view of the above, the ancient Greek fathers made a lot of efforts to protect

Friday, September 6, 2019

Organizational Structure of a Hospital You Know Essay Example for Free

Organizational Structure of a Hospital You Know Essay INTRODUCTION: For this assignment I’m choosing, Fortis Hospital at Noida, India and Krishna Nursing home at Chitradurga, Karnataka India. Fortis hospital at Noida, India is a part of Fortis healthcare group and mainly focuses on orthopaedics and neurosciences. It’s a medium sized hospital with 300 bedded facilities and about 250 full time staff. Its organisational structure has low vertical and high horizontal distribution. THE HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION is as follows, 1) 37 medical departments which covers different specialities.2) Other departments such as HR, marketing, finance, engineering and nursing. 3) Social specialisation, example doctors.4) Functional specialisation, example technicians and nurses. VERTICAL STRUCTURE is as follows, 1) Zonal director at the top. 2) 43 departmental heads who work under Zonal director. 3) There is team under each department which report to departmental heads. Organizational structure of fortis hospital ZONAL DIRECTOR United HR medical director Head eng marketing sales Finance head Nursing matron Team Hr Doctors Eng team Marketing team Finance team Nursing team Centralisation: Head of department control all departments and they report to the Zonal director. Each individual in the organisation has limited autonomy and financially it is highly centralised and functionally it is moderately decentralised and it has high level of standardisation of administrative task and the recruitment process is very much formalised, whereas doctors have low level of formalisation and everyone follow standard operating procedure. Hence in summary, Fortis hospital is multi-speciality hospital of medium size and its structure has high horizontal complexity but low vertical complexity and it is moderately formalised and there is not much direct impact on centralisation and has moderately flexible structure and decision making is highly formalised and moderately decentralised at operational level.(;; In contrast to the above mentioned complex structure second mentioned hospital is Krishna Nursing Home which is a small 50 bedded multispecialty hospital with a simple structure with the director at the top who is in charge of everything and there are heads of recruitment, finance and medical director who report to the director. It is mainly a vertical structure with director who has full decision making power, hence the structure has minimum decentralisation. The other staff has no autonomy.This hospital works basically on loyalty and trust and personal relationship and caters to a small population in the village Chitradurga, India. This structure is compatible with small hospitals like this. But disadvantage is that it is highly dependent on the director and is individual centric ( If we compare the 2 structure in relation to, 1) Central Peripheral relations: Fortis is much bigger hospital and has separate division for each department and there is decentralisation and semi-autonomy for each department and the purchaser and provider divisions are separate. Whereas Krishna Nursing Home has no decentralisation and no autonomy for the departments and all decisions are taken by the director. 2) Links with other organisational groups: Fortis has links and tie-ups with many other smaller hospitals which refer cases to them and also has link ups with various insurance companies. Whereas Krishna Nursing Home has no tie-ups with any other hospitals and works alone and caters to a small population. 3) Internal structure: Hierarchy, as mentioned above Fortis hospital has minimal vertical but complex horizontal distribution of power so it has a flatter organisational shape which helps in effective communication and decision making and has widened collaborative links between various departments and divisions resulting in internal linking and average spans of control whereas Krishna Nursing Home has vertical structure and is fully hierarchical based and there is no internal linking between departments (Merson et.,al, 2006). CONCLUSION: Both these hospitals has completely different organisational structure but both are successful because the targeted population for both are different. While, Fortis targets higher and wider range of population and focuses on specialised services, hence has complex organisational structure. Whereas Krishna Nursing Home caters to a small population and  provides basic services and hence has a simple vertical hierarchical structure. REFERENCES: ‘Fortis Healthcare signs pact with US hospital’ online. Available at: 3.htm. (Accessed on 7 January 2013) Krishna Nursing Home (online). Available at: (Accessed on 8 January 2013). Merson et.,al (2006) ‘International Public Health’, 2nd Edition, Jones and Bartlett publishers, pp;558-593. (online) Available at: www. on: 7 January 2013). (online) Available at: (Accessed on: 7 January 2013).

Marketing Myopia Essay Example for Free

Marketing Myopia Essay 1.0 Introduction In line with Levitt (1960), Marketing Myopia refers to the narrow view of myopia, marketing and business environment. This kind of advertising program without any demand with clients but an organization will is to sell goods or services within particular economic markets. It tilted a business to focus on its desire, rather than what the shopping desires, and often modifying to form a culture of immunity each typically end up losing the name, business damage and ineffective commercial practice Levitt, (1960). This is accomplished exploring by them, an enterprise may appear an extra fully meet customer needs and wants, in order to develop its business. It offers a brilliant view of thoughts for your customers. At Marketing Myopia, Levitt (1960), he indicates the current marking statement said: Marketing is a stepson most of the organizations stressed production and marketing. 2.0 Key failing 1980’s According to the case study has shown that, the key failings in marketing as a business practice by Levitt in 1960. According to the article, the main key failing point was they had a management failure does not because the market is not saturated yet the reason is because of their own MYOPIA. These all key failing point has clearly to support and determine how they had a poor management. First and foremost, they watched it was supposed to develop but never take action to developed it, which means they were not looked at the long term while they look at the short term only, which is short-sighted goods for instance, the petroleum. The situation worsened rail transport terrible, because they are rail-based rather than product-oriented, they were product oriented rather than customer oriented, they do not care about the clients wants and there are more on supply but few on demand. As a results that is because why their clients snatched by the competitors. Other than that, they are lack of considering how the rail road can be pant in the prospect future. While those who also a lack of consider how to become an excellent entertainer skills in Hollywood and rather they considered filmmaking. In addition, they have never seen the product as overall and narrow example are not to be regarded as petroleum fuel industry but is deemed the energy business, which is not considered to produce Hollywood movies but as amusement and also failed to watch this industry from any  marketing view. Furthermore, Theodore Levitt defined that there is misconception of manufacturer, they are just think about the particular product and yet they are missed to see the category of the product. The last key failing point in management failure perceived by Levitt is they have a poor product structure, they are not possible comprehensive product development, failed to know its clients product range resulting in the failure of the business and cannot have a good sa les in the market. 3.0 Changes and thinking Regarding to the ideology was that it has to change from product orientation to client orientation and the practice would also move from product orientation to client orientation. How things are done there such a huge increase, because now people are extremely imaginative in how they look to the future, changes in marketing from the product-oriented and service-oriented their thinking ability to widen stricture ideas, their management is changed by catering the needs of marketing person. For instance, the Perils of Petroleum. They created a right of recourse petroleum exploration with advanced technical and know how to enjoy the confidence of senior investors, restrictions in itself technologies oil exploration, oil extraction, oil refining and did not expect substitutes; example of natural gas. The oil company has never been developed gas as a substitute to gasoline. Crude oil is one not being treated as a major patent medicine which is we all knew that petroleum was a very signific ant thing, if not the economy would got ill, this is how they noted that it is a proprietary drug. Oil companies have two items have never wanted to use these two, On the whole as fuel instead of petrol or natural gas. The oil has not been robust growth, oils itself does not have became a greater by the oil firm, and all this because it required to run vehicles and machines. The next will be Dry Cleaning. This industry was a growth with luxury outlook. Once upon a time, try to fancy that it is finally can get them in safely and easily to be cleaning. The boom was on. After thirty years the boom is begin and the industry is in difficulty with competition. The competition is not with related any new technique for a better cleaning, it has come with synthetic fibers and the chemical additives so both of this are resulted cut down the need of dry cleaning. The industrial market is the  latest present invention and business-oriented services, but it faces a number of outdated shadows, because of new inventions in which make this industry even more useless to the clients. Clients with a new and optimal substitutes order to meet their needs (Jahidur Rahim, 2014). In addition, it would be electric Utilities. This was also one of those ordinarily which is ‘no substitute’ products that had been throne base of invincible growth. Power industry continues to boom as wax luxury home is converted into electrical gizmos museum. Electric utility industry has also confront the same issue in the use and production with its new and dynamic change. By that changing of time, electric utilities is also changing very quickly, with the whole changing clients accustomed to using the new and handy utility. The result is a particular product oriented companies are faced with the outdated state. Grocery Store industries which is known in the case is ‘corner grocery store’. In this supermarket has been took over a strong potency. The large big food chains in 1930’s narrowly had escaped aggressive the expansion independent supermarket was completely perished. The first pure supermarket was start business on 1930 in Jamaica long island. 1933 supermarket were flourish in Pennsylvania, California Ohio and so on. Yet, When performed a large chain announced that he discovered ‘the difficult to believe the people will drive kilometers to a food store and sacrifice personalized service chain has improved, consumers are used to Mrs. Consumer’. When 1936 late, Wholesale and retail grocery markets nationwide Association of Convention and New Jersey said there is nothing to fear. For introduction of the new super chain stores and super markets, the grocery store where our neighbors are also likely to face a loss of business. For the first time grocery store shopkeeper believes that these supermarkets are not in their competitive, not originated from their market but they were actually wrong. 4.0 Modern Industry Area Some of industries were acting myopically. The global petroleum industry is generally defined to consist of oil exploration, refining, transportation (oil tankers and pipelines), extraction and the sale of petroleum products. With extensive of the products in the industry, including: crude oil and  other derivative products associated known as petroleum products, and products for use in the petrochemical industry. Industry classification was distributed into five sectors which are upstream, downstream, ships, pipeline, supplies as well as services (Kakada, 2014). The global petroleum industry can drive majority aptly described as the engine of economic development in the world. On the internationally market nowadays, the most remarkable commodities trading is crude. And more than a century, crude oil has always been worlds main energy source. Petroleum industry already described as the most periodic activities and offers exceed 70 percent of global energy demand (Unknown, 2014). Place a vibrant business environment in worldwide, there have been no changes in the structure of the industry and organizations such as the oil and gas industry has witnessed. From the world today, operating under the influence of significant changes in the structure and organization of the occurrence of the industry is called, and the most noteworthy is that this is balancing among demand and supply of the products. This is particularly in the recent past has become the most extensive decision-making tools and also the trend rest of rising prices for products of strategic planning. In short, on the significant industry changes during the past half-century stand for a new system of marketing of crude oil, exploration and developed state-owned enterprises in the oil-producing countries, the OPEC formation consolidated and acquisitions of the nationalization, and entry the new company. The Industry like any others Industry which has shaped its operating instructions and specific characteristics. From the limited supply of the products in the industry, because it has a non-renewable resource. Although the formation of fossil oil are known, but not in the global scale buried fossil does have each ground have oil. It might sound contradictory, but it is still a fact. Therefore, great value were placed on oil whether of the location it is be found or known to exist, that means oil products extracted still yet to be extracted by that ground is deem to be as similar economic value. Exploration, production, refining and oil resources over the past have been driven transport two forms of investment in the system. The first is related to transnational cartel system, followed by foreign companies. However, in two systems, the main driving force is the oil concession under its control,  which means that even when resources that belong to the ability of the host country, However control of the concession rights have been transferred to those companys status. The system has the majority of time in this century, and the second world war played a significant impact the activities within the industry. The unique features of this system is the supreme power or right is giving the company to explore, extract and export of petroleum to limit any other investors produce any competitive advantage. In addition, the system allows whoever has the overall control of the concession investments in the host country for the development, the number of natural areas and the right to choose the location of production levels, production facilities, exploration and the transportation Capacity. In theory, this sounds great, but this is not made clear how the state of tax collection and utilization of resources, any tangible contribution to the static role. This makes authorized role of the state, additional dependent, and not as dependent on the concessionaire. The relationship between the state and enterprises level became fiscal. In the long term, the company focused on their profit margins will be under no obligation to meet any state of social economic and political neither the host or nor the requirements of the development the petroleum sector. This system in of a wider perspective, the implication is that the investment decision-making and analysis of the scheme, just consider the world economy. In a simplified manner, petroleum sector is isolated from other departments in order to develop what would improve under what oil companies to host an economic background. 5.0Personal contribution and group dynamic There are certain true in saying goes two heads are better than one. In order to ensure this task and promptly and completed successfully the progress of this task, myself and my honorable colleagues to work together tightly, burning the midnight candles, and make investigations visiting in several local such as public libraries, the school libraries to procurement a reference for this task. But sometimes I was wrote down some records of important parts for what our lecturer in lecturing us on since I might not catch up or missed out some significant parts on this task, therefore I would try to putting more effort on it and I and my group mates usually stay back in college after classes to study more. We attempt as much as  possible and meet our instructors and seniors to help us in certain areas the difficulties to clear our worries and confusion. Before we started this report, we were divided the work of made a presentation in order to helps each other understand more. I with my teammates conduce to the first question, it is to determine the sales as a business observation and Levitt (1960) perceived problems. We were paid a visit to meet each of our group members 2 times a week for this task and the spending hours probably as 1 hour and 40 minutes for every single meet up. In others time, we were discuss via social media such as emailing or have a phone call. Another group of our classmates were contributed on question no 2 which is be show on how the thinking (and practice) has been influence on since then- supported commentaries to the initial article (starting with Levitt’s own updated thinking)while another of the last group were contributed on question no 3 which we were asked to take one business space (which can be one originally checked out by Levitt (1960), or another of your choice) verify whether or not you think its currently acting myopically, giving your reasons (evidence!) for your views. Due the hard work and cooperation I had been obtain such a success at the same time learning to work along with my team and got a lot of opinion and put those meaning into the assignment. But also learned more regarding about how to deal or how to well manage a business, with the most important thing to be even more understand is customer-oriented than product-oriented of its only we would exactly comprehend the client needs and wants. My own idea due to his literary works is that Levitt is a visionary because most of the subjects he underlined in 1960 regarding train, Hollywood and petroleum industry turned out to be right many years after. â€Å"It was a very well to start regarding the marketing knowledge’s. 6.0 Conclusion To conclude this task, marketing myopia is a very important and also a broad topic that needs to be solved in so many aspect, by trying to remove the short sightedness that a lot of businesses has been suffered and undergo during the presence. And there are a lot of marketing opportunities that had been ignored or neglected since most of the businesses did not watch or project or plan for the good prospect of their business, why? because of them having a short sighted. When businesses that are having a short sighted  would suffered in the long run while since that there business does not meet up to their clients demand and the services and resulted in having a poor clients services they were being forced to shut down.